About RoR
Interesting Thread on RoR
Michael Yuan: Is Ruby replacing Java? Not so fast!
The question regarding to Ruby versus Java is NOT how much more
advanced RoR is compared with Java EE -- the real question is whether
Java EE is good enough for most developers.
Obie's response: Unwitting Ruby Evangelist
Totally subversive move. I mean, is this Michael Yuan guy secretly a Ruby
evangelist or something? Sure, he claims to doubt that Ruby will catch on in the
enterprise, but between the lines of his comments, the message rings true: Ruby
is superior to what's out there now.
(BTW, don't you know our Planet TW yet?)
And DHH's response: Why Java (presumably) won't go anywhere soon
If you agree to those assumptions, Michael is absolutely right. And
lots of software shops, managers, and apparently some programmers do.
Not Rails, not any other innovation, evolution, or revolution in
software is going to change that any time soon. This is ingrained
Aha, he's talking about baggage. You BJUG guys, don't you think it's laughable?
Obie的blog:Obie, Has It Been 9 Years Already? 着重关注Ruby on Rails的应用,这家伙本身就是ThoughtWorks负责研究RoR技术与应用的。Obie在邮件里面大打定心针,说第一RoR的性能、吞吐量肯定没问题,FastCGI是久经考验的成熟技术;第二如果遇到搞不定的问题,别担心,Ruby发展的时间比Java还长呢(这倒是真的),RubyGarden上肯定可以找到你需要的开源工具。
... ThoughtWorkers like me and Michael G., and Jon Tirsen and Aslak Hellesoy are all publicly involved in the Rails community ...